Data Mining: Learning from Large Data Sets
Many scientific and commercial applications require us to obtain insights from massive, high-dimensional data sets. In this graduate-level course, we will study principled, state-of-the-art techniques from statistics, algorithms and discrete and convex optimization for learning from such large data sets. The course will both cover theoretical foundations and practical applications.
Topics covered
- Dealing with large data (Data centers; Map-Reduce/Hadoop; Amazon Mechanical Turk)
- Fast nearest neighbor methods (Shingling, locality sensitive hashing)
- Online learning (Online optimization and regret minimization, online convex programming, applications to large-scale Support Vector Machines)
- Multi-armed bandits (exploration-exploitation tradeoffs, applications to online advertising and relevance feedback)
- Active learning (uncertainty sampling, pool-based methods, label complexity)
- Dimension reduction (random projections, nonlinear methods)
- Data streams (Sketches, coresets, applications to online clustering)
- Recommender systems