Postdoctoral Fellows
Graduate Students
Former postdocs and Ph.D. students affiliated with the group
- Mohammad Reza Karimi (Ph.D. student, now postdoc at MIT)
- Matteo Turchetta (Ph.D. student, co-founder and CTO at KoraLabs)
- Charlotte Bunne (Ph.D. student, now faculty member at EPFL)
- Pier Giuseppe Sessa (Postdoc, now at Google DeepMind)
- Jonas Rothfuss (Ph.D. student, now at Google DeepMind )
- Giorgia Ramponi (Postdoc, now faculty member at the University of Zurich)
- David Lindner (Ph.D. student, now at Google DeepMind)
- Anastasia Makarova (Ph.D. student, now at Google DeepMind)
- Andisheh Amrollahi (Ph.D. student, now at DE Shaw)
- Kenan Zhang (Postdoc, now faculty member at EPFL)
- Max Paulus (Ph.D. student, now at
- Philippe Wenk (Ph.D. student, now Co-Founder and CTO at LLM Systems)
- Sebastian Curi (Ph.D. student, now at Apple)
- Ilija Bogunovic (Postdoc, now faculty member at UCL)
- Carl-Johann Simon-Gabriel (Postdoc, now at Amazon)
- Tobias Sutter (Postdoc, now faculty member at the University of Konstanz)
- Johannes Kirschner (Ph.D. student, now at Swiss Data Science Center)
- Zalan Borsos (Ph.D. student, now at Google DeepMind)
- Felix Berkenkamp (Ph.D. student, ELLIS Ph.D. award, now at Bosch Center for AI)
- Kfir Levy (Postdoc, now faculty member at the Technion)
- Hoda Heidari (Postdoc, now faculty member at CMU)
- Alkis Gotovos (Ph.D. student, now postdoc at MIT)
- Josip Djolonga (Ph.D. student, ETH Medal, now at Google Brain)
- Jens Witkowski (Postdoc, now faculty member at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
- Olivier Bachem (Ph.D. student, now at Google Brain)
- Baharan Mirzasoleiman (Ph.D. student, ETH Medal, now faculty member at UCLA)
- Sebastian Tschiatschek (Postdoc, now faculty member at University of Vienna)
- Adish Singla (Ph.D. student, now faculty member at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
- Mario Lucic (Ph.D. student, now at Google Brain)
- Yuxin Chen (Ph.D. student, now faculty member at University of Chicago)
- Hamed Hassani (Postdoc, now faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania)
- Besmira Nushi (Ph.D. student at ETH Systems Group, now at Microsoft Research)
- Hastagiri Vanchinathan (Ph.D. student, now at Facebook AI Research)
- Amin Karbasi (Postdoc, now faculty member at Yale University)
- Gábor Bartók (Postdoc, now at Google)
- Dan Feldman (Postdoc at Caltech CMI, now faculty member at the University of Haifa)
- Daniel Golovin (Postdoc at Caltech CMI, now at Google)
- Risi Kondor (Postdoc at Caltech CMI, now faculty member at the University of Chicago)
- Stefanie Jegelka (External Ph.D. student at ETH, now faculty member at MIT and TU Munich)
- Matthew Faulkner (Ph.D. student at Caltech, now at Quadium)
- Peter Stobbe (Ph.D. student at Caltech, now quantitative researcher at Optiver)
- Pete Trautman (Ph.D. student at Caltech, now Senior Scientist at Honda Research Institute)